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Once Upon a Time France
Rumplestiltskin et Regina sont heureux de vous accueillir dans votre nouvelle ville. N'hésitez pas à contacter Mr.Gold pour signer le bail de location de votre nouveau logement.
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Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4...

Belle French
Emma Jones
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Message par Belle French Jeu 18 Sep - 15:41

Encore une fois on ne sait pas si le spoiler concerne Cendrillon et ses soeurs mais si c'est le cas, soit :
- Ils ne cherchent que la troisième
- Ils cherchent les trois dans le but de remplacer les deux premières (On ne sait pas, l'emploie du temps des actrices ne leur permet peut-être pas de reprendre leur rôle)

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Merci DaOutsider pour ce nouveau kit !   chouchou  

Belle French
Belle French
Emma Swan

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Message par regina-3845 Jeu 18 Sep - 15:42

'Once Upon a Time' Bosses on Season 4: New Rivalries, Rocky Romances and 'Frozen' Twist

ABC's fairy-tale drama heads into its fourth season with a chilly 11-episode arc that introduces the beloved characters from Disney's Oscar-winning (and buzzy) animated blockbuster Frozen such as Elsa (Georgina Haig), Anna (Elizabeth Lail) and Kristoff (Scott Michael Foster) into the Once universe. It's a decision co-creators and executive producers Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis hope pays dividends.
"There’s always pressure when you’re making a show to try to outdo yourself, and I think in this case, there’s a huge amount of — not just pressure, but responsibility that we feel," Horowitz tells The Hollywood Reporter. "These are beloved characters who we want to do justice and we’re doing our best and we’re very excited about what we’ve come up with."
Ahead of the Sept. 28 return, Horowitz and Kitsis talked to THR about the pressures of folding in the Frozen universe in an organic way, the aftermath of Elsa's unexpected Storybrooke debut, the future of Emma and Captain Hook's romance and much more.
Can you clarify the timeline for the new season?
Adam Horowitz: Without giving the exact date, which we don't have in front of us, we are roughly in early 2013 given that the show started in October of 2011. We’ve been more or less running in real time, including the year time jump. Because of that, the trailer for Frozen hasn't even premiered so in the world of our show, none of the present-day Storybooke characters are aware of the Frozen mythology and universe.
Has that been a tricky tightrope to walk in terms of the audience’s knowledge versus the characters’ lack thereof?
Eddy Kitsis: Hopefully you're watching for the story. When I watch True Detective, I’m not like, "Wait, is this Thursday?" Hopefully the audience isn’t asking what date it is, because what we do is we pick up from where we ended last year, and the way we introduce the Frozen characters into the show is pretty organic. I think that the timeline isn’t really a question — what people will see is the story unfolding before them.
Horowitz: And yes, it is a slightly different approach in that starting with the pilot, everybody knew who Snow White was and that was part of Emma’s disconnect with being able to believe what was going on in Storybrooke, because she was so well aware. We're instead approaching these characters as though they are a real part of the universe that we’ve created. And while our real, old characters aren’t aware of them, they are, as you will see, connected into the Once universe — and that’s really where our hopeful twist comes. We’re not trying to change these characters or redefine them, because we love the movie so much and what they did with them. We’re instead trying to surprise the audience with how they become involved with our characters and our world.
So the events of the Frozen movie took place in fairy-tale land before 2013, since we see Elsa and Anna in Arendelle of the past preparing for Anna's wedding to Kristoff.
Horowitz: The way to think about it is, divorce yourself from time and space as you know it and think of the world of story occurring in a timeless place. What we’re not saying is that the events of the movie took place in November of 2013. What we’re saying is the movie came out and told the story that occurred in the land of our fairy-tale world. As far as the timeline goes, when we see Elsa arrive at the end of season three, that is an Elsa who is post the events of Frozen. Going forward, the Elsa that we are seeing in Storybrooke is someone who experienced everything you saw in that movie and is hopefully that character who is now facing a new challenge and involved in a new mystery that we intend to explain in the first episode.
The show is known for putting its own twist on iconic fairy-tale characters. Should we expect the same treatment for the Frozen gang?
Kitsis: There are times we take liberties as we’ve done with Peter Pan and other characters, but Frozen we really feel like they are so well-defined and we were so inspired by what we saw up on the screen last November, that we don't want to change those characters. It’s much more about Anna — what we love about her is that she’s fearless and she never gives up on the people she loves. She has no problem going off into the middle of the storm to find her sister. What happens when a true believer like that gets in front of the devil himself, Rumpelstiltskin, who sees the worst in everyone? What happens with these two kinds of characters? In fact, what happens when Elsa, who is somebody who wanted to run away, meets another character who loves to run away, Emma? It was really about keeping the characters exactly who they were in the movie but seeing how they would interact with other characters on Once Upon a Time and telling a new story.
Love, whether it be of the romantic kind or family, is a big part of Once's DNA. In the film, Elsa did not have a love interest, unlike Anna. What's the likelihood Elsa will have one here?
Kitsis: She will not. And even though we showed a clip at Comic-Con that showed that Anna was engaged to Kristoff, we can tell you that what we really responded to in Frozen was that it was about these two sisters. Our season one ended with true love’s kiss breaking between a mom and a son, and for us we’re really excited about the idea of the sisters and that story much more than Elsa finding a boyfriend.
How complicated will things get between Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Prince Hans on Once?
Horowitz: The relationships between all those characters — Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Hans — we’re picking up where they were left off in the movie, so there is a complexity and conflict there. But at the core of it, the story we're trying to tell with the Frozen characters is a story about sisters, and that’s something we want to bring to our show.
How are you ensuring that the non-Frozen characters continue to get screen time while you mine this new world?
Horowitz: What we’re trying to do is not make the show just the Frozen show. We want to tell this Frozen story, but as you’ll see, their story is going to relate to our core characters from Once Upon a Time.
Kitsis: It was very important that it still [feels like it's] Once Upon a Time. It’s not the Frozen sequel; it is the characters from Frozen coming to Once Upon a Time. So important stories like Rumpel and Belle, Hook and Emma, Regina and Robin Hood, Snow White and Charming and their baby — all those stories that we left last season are still very central to the storytelling of season four and will be explored further. Once fans can relax — we have no intentions of sidelining those stories for Frozen.
Can we expect nods to Frozen songs, like “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” and “Let It Go”?
Horowitz: Oh, for sure! We are huge, massive fans of that movie and we can’t help ourselves. There are nods to many things from that movie.
Kitsis: As we say, this is the most expensive fan fiction ever.
How would you describe Elsa’s entrance into Storybrooke? Chilly at best?
Kitsis: I think she’s a stranger in a strange land. Elsa is from Arendelle, and she’s never seen a car before. We know that when Elsa gets frightened, ice spikes appear — so imagine when she sees this world for the first time.
Horowitz: It’s sunny in Storybrooke, but she’s bringing a cold front. It is this mash-up of two worlds. She’s never been to our world and she’s never experienced what it’s like here, and our world has never experienced anyone quite like her before.
Now you have two queens in Storybrooke. Will one of the main conflicts this season be Regina and Elsa battling for power?
Horowitz: It’s not that it’s jockeying for power, it’s more about …
Kitsis: There’s a mystery.
Horowitz: And it’s hard to answer your question without spoiling, but I’ll try. When Elsa arrives, it signifies the start of a mystery that needs to be explored and answered. And the repercussions of that mystery reach out and touch everyone, and you’ll see it affects everyone from Regina to Emma to Rumpelstiltskin.
At Comic-Con, a scene from the season-four premiere showed Regina recruiting an old friend, The Mirror, to help her get rid of Elsa. So who’s the biggest threat to Regina, Marian or Elsa?
Kitsis: The bigger threat in her mind is definitely Marian. We’ve shown three seasons of growth for the Evil Queen, and now she’s really faced with her first emotional setback, which is she thought she had her happy ending. And when you go back and look at the finale last year, you see her and Robin Hood coming to that party. For the very first time on the show, [Marian] really looked happy, and that’s been taken away. So for us, it's a now what? The old Regina would immediately rip everyone’s heart out. Will this Regina revert to heart wrecking, or will she evolve? And we’re going to find that out quickly in the premiere. But Regina is also going to be launched on a new quest with Henry this year. We’ve seen Henry in Operation Cobra with Emma, but we’re going to see a new one with Regina that we’re very excited about. And this is actually one that will transcend, although the first 11 will be Frozen, this is an arc that will go the whole season.
In the finale, Emma and Captain Hook seemed to be taking their relationship to the next level. Is season four their attempt at being a “normal” couple?
Horowitz: There’s no chance that Emma — the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming — and Captain Hook will ever be a normal couple, but their feelings obviously reached a new boiling point at the end of last season. And we’re going to continue to explore those feelings, and we’re going to continue to explore how they can or can’t get closer.
Kitsis: But in a real way. Emma has had a lifetime of putting up walls, so one kiss does not mean love and [let's] go register at Pottery Barn. As for Hook, we’re going to see some old rivalries. We can’t forget that as much as he loves Emma and has done the right thing for her, we’ve seen him do horrible things in the past because he’s a pirate. He and Rumpelstiltskin unfortunately are going to find their detente coming to an end.
How are Snow and Charming adapting to being parents to a newborn?
Horowitz: That’s also something we’re interested in exploring and showing. Being parents is a challenge and we want to, in a real way, show that. But it’s for them this strange thing of they’ve been parents before but they’ve never been parents at this stage. The last time they had a baby they put her in a wardrobe, and I think that’s going to affect everything, from how they parent baby Neal to how Emma reacts to their parenting and how they interact with Emma. It’s hopefully an interesting, new dynamic for all of them.
How deep in the doghouse will Rumpelstiltskin be with Belle when she finds out the truth?
Horowitz: I would not want to be him when she does.
How will Michael Socha's Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts be incorporated into the Once world?
Kitsis: We’re going to get a little taste of Michael in the first 11 [episodes] — glimpses of him. But Michael's character, as we remember, was a disgraced member of the Merry Men, and Robin Hood is very much alive living in Storybrooke. So we’re going to see them reunite. Obviously for people who watched [Once Upon a Time in] Wonderland, they are like, "Wait, he had his happy ending. He went off with the Red Queen." We are going to tell that story, what happened and what brought him back to Storybrooke. And that will probably be in the later half in the season, and it will be done in a way that if you’ve never seen Wonderland, we’re going to fill in the blanks. We’re also going to find out that he has an interesting connection to another character from the past, from season one of Storybrooke.
Horowitz: For those who never saw Wonderland, he gets his own introduction this season, and you’ll see how he’s folded into [the universe] …
Kitsis: But he’s at his core a thief and the sheriff, so they’ll meet in an interesting way.

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Date d'inscription : 27/02/2014
Age : 29


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Message par ReQuiEM Jeu 18 Sep - 16:29

Oh mon dieu le spoiler Regal Believer vapes

Et donc Marian est définitivement le plus gros problème de Regina... Cela veut-il dire que son arc cette saison (à côté de l'arc Frozen) est vraiment dans l'idée de reconquérir Robin et se débarrasser de Marian?

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Kit by @Graham Hug


Messages : 8175
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2012
Age : 41
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Message par Belle French Jeu 18 Sep - 16:35

Il fallait s'y attendre...
Mais bon j'espère qu'elle ne va pas redevenir Evil...

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Merci DaOutsider pour ce nouveau kit !   chouchou  

Belle French
Belle French
Emma Swan

Messages : 10141
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2014
Age : 33
Localisation : Strorybrook

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Message par Roci Jeu 18 Sep - 18:32

J'aime beaucoup aussi le "new operation with Regina", ca va donner une nouvelle dynamique a Regina et Henry.

Il se rapproche de Regina et il sait qu'a ce moment précis, au retour de Marian, elle a besoin de lui et lui a besoin d'être près d'elle.

Ce qui est cool c'est surtout qu'on va voir ce cheminement tout au long de la saison et pas seulement dans les 11 premeirs épisodes.

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Perfection has a name...

Henry Mills

Messages : 7526
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 124

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Message par A.Pan97 Jeu 18 Sep - 21:02

Nouvelle interview de TV Fanatic ICI.

C'est plutôt long, donc je préfère éviter de mettre un énorme copier coller de l'interview pour les p'tits yeux sensibles XD

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made by Graham Hug
Robin Hood

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 27
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Message par kikojiro Ven 19 Sep - 6:59

Pour Cendrillon rien n'est encire sur, les infos n'etant pas tres claires.

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Only in the Darkness can you change your fate defines by Once Upon a Time
Light One Rumplestiltskin:

Main de la Reine Merida

Messages : 23385
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2013
Age : 34
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Message par regina-3845 Ven 19 Sep - 23:21

Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once Upon a Time - Elizabeth Mitchell's Character

Do you have any information on who Elizabeth Mitchell is playing on Once Upon a Time? — Toni

You mean you didn’t pick up EW’s Fall TV Preview issue where I revealed that she is definitely playing the villain of the first half of the season?! For shame! “For the first time, we’re showing a villainous side to Elizabeth Mitchell,” executive producer Adam Horowitz says. “There’s a dark side that Elizabeth is accessing and she’s doing so in chilling fashion.” On a side note, I first floated the Lost alum’s name past the producers to play Elsa. “When you see her character, it will be everything you wanted her to be,” executive producer Edward Kitsis promises me. Hmm, I wonder what that means! *cough Snow Queen cough*




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Date d'inscription : 27/02/2014
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Message par samtigrou Ven 19 Sep - 23:45

.... méchante ou gentille.... je l'aime Elizabeth!!! vapes

Même si on sait que c'est la grande méchante, je n'ai qu'une hâte, c'est de la voir dans OUAT!!

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Messages : 3834
Date d'inscription : 02/05/2014
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Message par Tony Sam 20 Sep - 0:15

Cool on va revoir la petite Snow rougi Ce qui signifie qu'on aura des scènes Snow Queen quand elles vivaient ensemble dans le château rougi

Pour le flashback sur Charming en tant que berger, ça risque d'être dans l'épisode 2 !!!

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Mad Hatter

Messages : 4842
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013
Age : 33
Localisation : Bourges

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Message par Roci Sam 20 Sep - 0:30

Alors faites gaffe a la seconde interview, c'est surtout les souhaits et interprétations des journaleux face aux quelques propos qui sont entre guillemets des prods.

Donc le "qui voudrait revoir Snow enfant ?" c'est juste un souhait et pas ce qu'il va se passer ...


Le cast (et les prods) assistera au season premier au "El Capitan" à Hollywood dimanche.
Il est fort à parier qu'on aura des photos des acteurs ainsi que quelques fuites sur ce premier épisode.

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Perfection has a name...

Henry Mills

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Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 124

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Message par regina-3845 Sam 20 Sep - 11:10

j'espère qu'il n'y aura pas trop de fuite histoire de garder un peu de suspense
On va certainement avoir des photos c'est un Red Carpet Sean y sera il l'a confirmé sur twitter

Sinon une autre actrice rejoint la bande
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Date d'inscription : 27/02/2014
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Message par Tony Sam 20 Sep - 12:19

En même temps s'il y a des extraits de l'épisode fuites vous n'êtes pas obligés de les regarder XD XD XD XD XD

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Mad Hatter

Messages : 4842
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013
Age : 33
Localisation : Bourges

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Message par Roci Sam 20 Sep - 12:24

Sally Pressman : 
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Elle est connue notamment pour son role dans "American Wives".

Au vu de son physique, jouerait-elle la femme blonde au yeux bleus soeur d'une fratrie de 3 ???

Elle a posté ca aussi :
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Perfection has a name...

Henry Mills

Messages : 7526
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 124

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Message par regina-3845 Sam 20 Sep - 23:26

Variety: ‘Once Upon a Time’ Showrunners Talk ‘Frozen,’ the Charming Family’s Challenges and Regina’s Evolution
Switching focus to Regina and Robin Hood and their tumultuous relationship: There have been some preview photos from the premiere that show Marion looking less than pleased with Robin — is it less of a happy reunion than people might expect?
Kitsis: It’s a difficult reunion because, obviously for Regina… what we loved about the finale is that before this happened and she was walking into that party, you saw her the happiest she had ever been on the show, even before when she was a teenage girl. So we have three years of evolution for this character. Now she’s faced with her first real emotional setback. Not a plot setback but an emotional one. So for us it was a question of, “how does she deal with it?” The old Regina would immediately rip everyone’s heart out. What will this one do? And Marion is a stranger in a strange land, and it’s one thing that you find out you’ve traveled through time and your husband has moved on, but it’s another thing to find out he moved on with the person who killed you. So it’s going to be uncomfortable over there in the Sherwood Forest part of Storybrooke. [Laughs.]

As you said, this is a huge setback for Regina — how do you balance the central conflict of her dark impulses warring with her journey towards redemption without undoing the last three years of character development?
Horowitz: That’s what’s interesting to us about it. This is not about Regina reverting to be being The Evil Queen from season one. She can’t; she’s come too far, but that Evil Queen is a huge part of who she is. So we have a challenge before her that is huge, that is going to require her to wrestle all the different aspects of her personality. Her dark impulses and her light ones.
Kitsis: And another thing that we’re really excited about is, Regina’s story is not just Robin Hood. We have seen Henry in the past with Operation Cobra with Emma, but he is going to be in a new operation with Regina this year that is actually going to [last] the whole year.

Emma bringing back Marion in the finale obviously threw another wrench in her relationship with Regina, but as you said, Regina has also evolved. What can you preview for their dynamic this season?
Kitsis: I think the relationship is tough because Emma decided to save a life, and that life kind of destroyed Regina’s happiness, and so they may have been at it at the top, but one of the things we’re excited to explore is, you know, what does Emma think about Regina? How does she look at her now, and how does Regina look at Emma now? And there’s going to be an entire episode devoted to just that relationship and how they feel about each other.

le reste ici

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Date d'inscription : 27/02/2014
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Message par samtigrou Sam 20 Sep - 23:50

On est pas plus avancé..... (Enfin pour Regina d'une part et Regina et Robin de l'autre...)
J'adore.. en gros elle ne peut pas redevenir l'ancienne EQ parce qu'elle a trop évolué mais d'un autre côté, elle pourrait en devenir une nouvelle hum... ZZ
Ils disent les choses sans les dire c'est frustrant!!

Dernière édition par samtigrou le Sam 20 Sep - 23:53, édité 1 fois

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Date d'inscription : 02/05/2014
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Message par ReQuiEM Sam 20 Sep - 23:51

En attente du Outlaw Queen, du Regal Believer et... allez du Swan Queen car leurs zodes sont bien quand elles se piquent un peu Smile

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Kit by @Graham Hug


Messages : 8175
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : Town hall

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Message par DavyJonesSwan Dim 21 Sep - 0:13

Sally pressman, je connaissais pas ^^ Bah ça confirme ce que je pense depuis quelque semaines c'est sûrement Cendrillon ^^ enfin après cette actrice ne correspond pas avec Anastasia enfin je trouve qu'il y a un gros décalage niveau physique ( après ptetre qu'ils vont essayer de faire quelque  chose ^^)  Mais sur la photo posté par Sally on dirait Light le chandelier ce qui pourrait amener à nouveau sur la piste de Belle ^^

Dernière édition par DavyJonesSwan le Dim 21 Sep - 11:08, édité 1 fois

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Merci Megan Wells chouchou
Captain Hook

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Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014
Age : 23

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Message par Tony Dim 21 Sep - 8:55

Selon les spéculations, elle serait la précédente Reine d'Arendelle :

The extensions comment coupled with Pressman's cool blonde good-looks can only lead us to one conclusion -- she's playing "Frozen" matriarch, the Queen of Arendelle, in flashbacks. You know how "Once Upon a Time" likes its flashbacks, plus Pressman sure looks like she could be the mother to Elsa (Georgina Haig, left) and Anna (Elizabeth Lail, right), doesn't she?

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Mad Hatter

Messages : 4842
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2013
Age : 33
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Message par Roci Dim 21 Sep - 9:22

Hm ... Ca ferait donc tomber le fait qu'Elizabeth Mitchelle pourrait être la Snow Queen ET la mère des filles, pas vraiment morte dans le naufrage.

Wait and see ....

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Perfection has a name...

Henry Mills

Messages : 7526
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
Age : 124

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Message par Tony Dim 21 Sep - 10:20

Sally ressemble beaucoup à Elizabeth Mitchell... En guise de flashback elle pourrait très bien être sa version "jeune".

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 790567bannerrobbieouat
Mad Hatter

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Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 Empty Re: Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4...

Message par Belle French Dim 21 Sep - 11:58

J'aime bien l'idée qu'Elizabeth soit la vrai reine des neiges et la mère d'Elsa et Anna, ça lui correspondrait bien physiquement Smile

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 171226052918432062
Merci DaOutsider pour ce nouveau kit !   chouchou  

Belle French
Belle French
Emma Swan

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Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 Empty Re: Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4...

Message par ReQuiEM Dim 21 Sep - 16:56

Ils ont pas parlé de Rocky Road (4x03?) pouvant être un zode centric Emma sur ses origines a nouveau? Creuser encore son enfance?

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 151206034002292739
Kit by @Graham Hug


Messages : 8175
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : Town hall

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Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 Empty Re: Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4...

Message par Roci Dim 21 Sep - 18:26

ReQuiEM a écrit:Ils ont pas parlé de Rocky Road (4x03?) pouvant être un zode centric Emma sur ses origines a nouveau? Creuser encore son enfance?
 Huh ? scratch

On parle de la new actrice recrutée ... Elle vient d'être engagée, donc elle apparait au moins dans le 7 ....

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 160918072201625099
Perfection has a name...

Henry Mills

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Date d'inscription : 16/11/2012
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Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 Empty Re: Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4...

Message par ReQuiEM Dim 21 Sep - 18:40

J'ai vu ça sur Tumblr... j'ai pas la source mais apparemment ce zode serait consacré a Emma !

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 10 151206034002292739
Kit by @Graham Hug


Messages : 8175
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : Town hall

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