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Once Upon a Time France
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Message par regina-3845 Mer 20 Aoû - 1:45

c'est vrai que sa marche sauf pour Emilie à moins que Belle devienne méchante

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Message par ReQuiEM Mer 20 Aoû - 7:32

Question: Any scoop at all about the fourth season ofOnce Upon a Time? —Advanteege
Ausiello: Is Henry en route to having his first crush? (And if so, has he picked the wrong gal?) The ABC series in casting the recurring role of Lily, a bright, self-reliant teen who boasts a “charming, take-no-prisoners punk exterior and the heart of a secretive, insecure opportunist.” Watch for this lass to first appear in Episode 5.

Question: Elizabeth Mitchell in Once Upon a Time?? Tell me more!  —Jacquelyn
Ausiello: You sound plenty excited by this casting — as are Lost scribes-turned-Once creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis. “She’s awesome, we love her, we’re so happy to have her and we can’t wait for the audience to discover who she is playing,” Horowitz teases. Perhaps she’s playing someone… eeeevil? Answers Kitsis with a healthy dollop of sarcasm, “We never bring Lost actors on our show to be villains, so….”

Oh un new ship avec Henry Very Happy

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Message par samtigrou Mer 20 Aoû - 11:11

Oui c est ce que Regina a posté juste avant Smile

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Message par ReQuiEM Mer 20 Aoû - 11:56

Oup's sorry  woups

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Message par samtigrou Mer 20 Aoû - 12:14

J'ai fait ma boulette hier soir alors... XD 

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Message par samtigrou Jeu 21 Aoû - 5:54

double post mais c est pour partager une info lue sur le FB once upon a spoiler!
Apparemment, Jen et Colin tournent une scène de rdv.
Michael Socha y est aussi.

Par contre je me demande comment ils gèrent leurs priorités parce qu on a découvert le costume d EM, alors qu ils disaient vouloir garder le secret complet sur ce personnage, mais en même temps, ils ne veulent pas montrer la tenue de Jen pour ce rdv....

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Message par Tony Jeu 21 Aoû - 8:56

Ils ne disent rien sur elle mais ils ne sont pas responsables des photos des fans  XD 

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Message par regina-3845 Ven 22 Aoû - 0:41

In the Fall 2014 issue of Disney twenty-three, now shipping to D23 Gold Members, D23 sat down with Once Upon a Time creators Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz to discuss their very cool plan to incorporate Frozen into the new season. But there’s much more happening in Storybrooke this fall! Here’s our D23 Member “web extra” previewing what’s to come for Snow, Charming, Hook, Regina, Emma, and the rest of the characters when the ABC hit returns September 28. Plus, get ready for a reveal that will have you reeling!
So, looking back to the end of last season, can you explain what exactly happened when the Wicked Witch disintegrated, turned into dust, got into the box with the emerald pendant, and opened the portal?
Adam: She died. She turned into some kind of dust and disappeared because of her magical nature. What happened was, the pendant—which had her magic in it—was triggered at the moment of her death and opened the portal. That wasn’t Zelena in smoke form coming out—it was the magic that we had seen that was absorbed into the pendant Glinda gave her. The pendant became the source of Zelena’s power. Regina removed it and put it into her vault. And at the moment of her death, that triggered the portal opening.
Eddy: Of course, “death” is a relative term.
Emma has finally opened—to her family and to Hook—how do you see their relationships evolving?
Eddy: One of the big themes that tied Never Land and the Wicked Witch together is that happy endings aren’t what we think they are. They are something you have to fight for every day. Now it seems like Emma has found her home and she’s happy where she is. Rumple is married to Belle and that seems to be his happy ending. Snow and Charming have a child and they now share one heart. The question is, what happens next? For us it’s continuing to evolve the characters—especially with Regina. We left her in a really tough spot. People immediately thought she would go “crazy evil.” For us, that’s what’s interesting—now that we’ve done 66 episodes, how does Regina react? We know how she would have reacted in season one. How does she react in season four? We want to honor that and deepen the characters and create some fun mystery along the way.
Do you think it will be difficult for Hook to see a “little Prince Neal” running around as a constant reminder of Neal and Emma’s relationship?
Adam: I think Hook ultimately recognizes Neal for the hero that he was. And because of that, hearing the name and seeing him carried on in a new generation—he sees that as a good thing.
Eddy: He’s far too confident to be worried about other people.
For a while David and Mary Margaret were arguing about whether to stay in Storybrooke or go back to the Enchanted Forest. Will that arise again?
Eddy: The theme of the second half of the season last year was “there’s no place like home.” And what everyone started to realize is that Storybrooke is their home now. I don’t think anyone is interested in portal jumping right now. They’re interested in laying down some roots.
Adam: And in our world there’s penicillin.
Eddy: And cable television!
Michael Socha, who played the Knave on Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, will be joining the cast next season. How will he fit in?
Eddy: There are two things we know about him from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. One is that we know he spent a short amount of time with the Merry Men [Will is “Will Scarlet” of the Robin Hood story] and we know Robin Hood is in Storybrooke. The other thing is we know he was in Storybrooke before. He is familiar with the town even though he didn’t have a lot of interaction with our people.
Adam: He was a victim of the first curse so he had a life in Storybrooke. So there’s a connection with him to the town and to some of our characters, including the Merry Men. Those will all be explored. We’ll also discover he has ties to other members of the Storybrooke world. He’s going to meet new people like Emma and Captain Hook, and his relationship with Captain Hook will be… testy.
And what does this mean happened with Anastasia?
Adam: What does that mean about Anastasia?
Eddy: That story will be told this season. We intend to tell it in a way that for people who never saw Wonderland, they will have full context. We’re not assuming viewers watched that show. So questions like “Who and where is Anastasia?” or “Is she with him?” will be answered when the season starts.
Are there characters we may not have seen for a while, for one reason or another, like Red, the Giant, Hopper… who we may see more of?
Eddy: Yes! Giancarlo Esposito is back as Sidney and the Magic Mirror.
Adam: Brad Dourif played Zoso, one of the early Dark Ones in season one, and he’s coming back.
Eddy: We’re going to dive into some…
Adam: …Dark One mythology. We’re going to learn more about Rumple and his past.
Eddy: And we’re going to meet Belle’s mom.
Is Belle’s mom dead or will we see her in flashbacks?
Adam: The truth of that—or not—will be revealed. We’ll learn more about Belle’s past. And we’ll see Belle in the time period before she met Rumplestiltskin.
Eddy: We’ve met Maurice [Belle’s father]. He runs Game of Thorns, the flower shop in town.
Adam: And we saw him in the first Belle flashback in season one. We’ll see more of him this season.
Eddy: We’d love to have Jamie [Chung, Mulan] back. She’s in our hopes. We definitely want to bring her back this year. There are so many characters over the years that we have touched on. We have a wish list and a plan for bringing them all back. It will really come down to how much story we can and will tell this season.
Can you tell me a little bit more about Elizabeth Mitchell’s character?
Eddy: A fan favorite from Lost. We were very excited to get to write for her again. She will have a tie to both somebody on the Frozen side and somebody on the Once Upon a Time side.
Okay, for Disney fans, is there anything that will be of particular interest we should keep an eye out for?
Adam: Yes! There is something coming up in the first few episodes that real Disney fans, I think, will really enjoy. It’s a shout-out and an explanation of some Disney lore. To say any more would ruin the surprise. But in many ways, it’s one of the most pure Disney explorations we have done yet.
Eddy: In the premiere you will see something very iconic that will launch a new story and a new area of Disney that we have yet to explore that we’re excited about.
Emma’s little Volkswagen becomes Herbie?
Eddy: No, but we have talked about that!
When the first curse was enacted, if the characters from the Enchanted Forest left Storybrooke, they would forget who they were. Is it the same with the second curse?
Adam: The rules will be explained very quickly at the start of this season. But we’re in a new place. The characters will be coming to terms with what it means to be in town and what it means if they want to leave town. Not everyone will necessarily want to be there.
Maybe they want to go to Walt Disney World?
Adam: Maybe they want to go to Walt Disney World.

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Message par regina-3845 Ven 22 Aoû - 20:33

I saw the EW questions for Once Upon a Time. Why no Rumple or Belle questions? It made me sad, I know there had been some. — Karen
I did ask about them… just not during the hot seat. On the Belle side, there’s this. But on the Rumple side, I hear things are going to get very contentious again between him and Hook this season. “Hook and Rumplestiltskin have a very long history that is blood-riddled and difficult that has been put aside for a little while due to circumstance,” executive producer Adam Horowitz tells me. “But now that circumstances have changed, that past history is going to rear its head again.” Let’s just hope Hook doesn’t steal another one of his wives.

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Dernière édition par regina-3845 le Ven 22 Aoû - 20:40, édité 1 fois

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Message par Hook972 Ven 22 Aoû - 20:38

Let’s just hope Hook doesn’t steal another one of his wives.


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Date d'inscription : 03/05/2014
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Message par Emma Jones Ven 22 Aoû - 20:49

Mais c'est de l'humour voyons... hein rassurez moi là...  ZZ 

Ce qu'il va se passer dans la saison 4... - Page 40 Tl_oua10
True Love CS:
Emma Jones
Emma Jones
Robin Hood

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Date d'inscription : 21/07/2014
Age : 39
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Message par Hook972 Ven 22 Aoû - 21:07

Emma Jones a écrit:Mais c'est de l'humour voyons... hein rassurez moi là...  ZZ 
Humour ou pas, je n'aime pas ça....

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Date d'inscription : 03/05/2014
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Message par samtigrou Ven 22 Aoû - 21:19

Intéressant tout ça!!

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Message par ReQuiEM Ven 22 Aoû - 21:21

Adam confirme bien que Roland ne connait pas sa mère... s'il appuie bien sur cette théorie c'est qu'il prévoit peut-être de montrer justement que le petit veut bien connaître sa mère mais qu'il aura un certain attachement a Regina et qu'il la voit peut-être aussi comme une "maman" potentielle... je m'avance peut-être mais je persiste a dire que Marian va mourir et va confier sa famille a Regina ! C'est peut-être culcul mais j'envisage pas une Marian refaisant sa vie, ça serait trop "tout est parfait dans le meilleur des mondes" et je l'envisage pas non plus mourir sans avoir pardonner a son bourreau !

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Message par Hook972 Ven 22 Aoû - 21:24

ReQuiEM a écrit:Adam confirme bien que Roland ne connait pas sa mère... s'il appuie bien sur cette théorie c'est qu'il prévoit peut-être de montrer justement que le petit veut bien connaître sa mère mais qu'il aura un certain attachement a Regina et qu'il la voit peut-être aussi comme une "maman" potentielle... je m'avance peut-être mais je persiste a dire que Marian va mourir et va confier sa famille a Regina ! C'est peut-être culcul mais j'envisage pas une Marian refaisant sa vie, ça serait trop "tout est parfait dans le meilleur des mondes" et je l'envisage pas non plus mourir sans avoir pardonner a son bourreau !

Ca fait chier qu'elle meurt n'empêche...(même si j'en meurs d'envie)....ou bien elle meurt après que Robin ait choisi Régina; et là ça serait parfait. J'espère qu'elle va réfléchir n'empêche, parce que certe c'est son fils, mais un petit comme ça faut y aller doucement surtout que voilà il ne l'a connait pas.

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Date d'inscription : 03/05/2014
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Message par Emma Jones Ven 22 Aoû - 21:25

ReQuiEM a écrit:Adam confirme bien que Roland ne connait pas sa mère... s'il appuie bien sur cette théorie c'est qu'il prévoit peut-être de montrer justement que le petit veut bien connaître sa mère mais qu'il aura un certain attachement a Regina et qu'il la voit peut-être aussi comme une "maman" potentielle... je m'avance peut-être mais je persiste a dire que Marian va mourir et va confier sa famille a Regina ! C'est peut-être culcul mais j'envisage pas une Marian refaisant sa vie, ça serait trop "tout est parfait dans le meilleur des mondes" et je l'envisage pas non plus mourir sans avoir pardonner a son bourreau !

Ca serait émouvant comme déroulement...



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True Love CS:
Emma Jones
Emma Jones
Robin Hood

Messages : 1201
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2014
Age : 39
Localisation : As you wish, m'lady ♥


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